About Kaufman Airsoft Federation

We are a group of sem-casual airsoft players fresh out of the oven, with alot of dedicated players that are ready for a airsoft match at a moments notice. We do plan on having ranks and getting more serious in the future but for now we will remain casual until we become a little bit bigger. We are stationed in kaufman TX but we allow anyone that is willing to come and join our merry band. Click Here to view our rules and positions. NOTE: Please don't comment on any posts or pages except the comments page, Thank You.

Our Roles/Rules

Our Roles/Rules


Rule one: This is the most important, don't loose your temper. You can be booted from the group if you do so.

Rule two: always wear eye protection no matter how hot it gets.

Rule three: If shot raise a hand and yell "Hit!".

Rule four: If you have a issue with someone tell a ranking officer about it and he will find a way to resolve it.

Rule five: During a battle obey a order no matter what unless it is against your morals.

Rule six: No weapons above 600 FPS (feet per second)

Rule seven: We ask that you be between the ages of 12, and 18 before attempting to join


Description:  A long ranged shooter that does not get many kills but can be used to scout out areas and assassinate enemy leaders. 

Description: A beginner. Most of the time carrying a pistol or a cheap machine gun.

Heavy Gunner
Description:  A person that is not afraid to be shot and is willing to stand out in the open, most of the time having a expensive machine gun used to lay down covering fire.

Description: Not a sniper but a expert long range shooter that (most of the time) has a long range riffle with at least semi-automatic.

Description: A lot like Recon but with more tactical experience and better weapons. Your average soldier.

Squad Leader
Description: Command's a group of soldiers and creates there own team inside of the Kaufman Airsoft Federation.

Descriptions: They guy who's got a light gun and knows how to use it.  Always like the Marines, the first in and the last out of a combat situation.  There job is to run in there and knock down the enemy's front door with lot's of BBS and guts. 

Team Leader
Description: Leader of there own squad and in charge of anyone in it
Basic requirements: Several years playing airsoft, good with others, a high amount of confirmed kills