Our Roles/Rules
Rule one: This is the most important, don't loose your temper. You can be booted from the group if you do so.
Rule two: always wear eye protection no matter how hot it gets.
Rule three: If shot raise a hand and yell "Hit!".
Rule four: If you have a issue with someone tell a ranking officer about it and he will find a way to resolve it.
Rule five: During a battle obey a order no matter what unless it is against your morals.
Rule six: No weapons above 600 FPS (feet per second)
Rule seven: We ask that you be between the ages of 12, and 18 before attempting to join
Description: A long ranged shooter that does not get many kills but can be used to scout out areas and assassinate enemy leaders.
Description: A beginner. Most of the time carrying a pistol or a cheap machine gun.
Description: A beginner. Most of the time carrying a pistol or a cheap machine gun.
Heavy Gunner
Description: A person that is not afraid to be shot and is willing to stand out in the open, most of the time having a expensive machine gun used to lay down covering fire.
Description: Not a sniper but a expert long range shooter that (most of the time) has a long range riffle with at least semi-automatic.
Description: A lot like Recon but with more tactical experience and better weapons. Your average soldier.
Squad Leader
Description: Command's a group of soldiers and creates there own team inside of the Kaufman Airsoft Federation.
Descriptions: They guy who's got a light gun and knows how to use it. Always like the Marines, the first in and the last out of a combat situation. There job is to run in there and knock down the enemy's front door with lot's of BBS and guts.
Squad Leader
Description: Command's a group of soldiers and creates there own team inside of the Kaufman Airsoft Federation.
Descriptions: They guy who's got a light gun and knows how to use it. Always like the Marines, the first in and the last out of a combat situation. There job is to run in there and knock down the enemy's front door with lot's of BBS and guts.
Team Leader
Description: Leader of there own squad and in charge of anyone in it
Basic requirements: Several years playing airsoft, good with others, a high amount of confirmed kills