About Kaufman Airsoft Federation

We are a group of sem-casual airsoft players fresh out of the oven, with alot of dedicated players that are ready for a airsoft match at a moments notice. We do plan on having ranks and getting more serious in the future but for now we will remain casual until we become a little bit bigger. We are stationed in kaufman TX but we allow anyone that is willing to come and join our merry band. Click Here to view our rules and positions. NOTE: Please don't comment on any posts or pages except the comments page, Thank You.

Helpful Links/Contacts

Helpful Links
Here is a list of helpful links for getting tactics, gear, and airsoft guns!
(Click on the Here in the lists to go to links)

click Here to see a online purchasing store called Amazon that sells all the gear and weapons you need for airsoft.

Click Here to see this nifty link is perfect for beginners or just someone that is rusty or would like to touch up.

Here is a good link to anything airsoft that is needed (make sure your buying airsoft and not something similar, Honestly this is probably the best place to get anything airsoft.

Right Here is a great place called Airsoft Society that is truly amazing for anyone that wants to get in touch with other airsoft players.